TU Austria @ Bruessels 2025


How Austrian Technical Universities benefit
from European University Alliances

Brussels, 01.04.2025
5 pm – 7 pm

followed by a networking reception

Permanent Representation of Austria
to the European Union

Avenue de Cortenbergh 30,
1040 Brussels

Showcase “TU Austria“

Network of the three Universities
of Technology in Austria

European University Alliances foster connections between universities to promote joint strategies in education and research. Austria’s three Universities of Technology, united nationally under the TU Austria network, each
play a vital role in different European alliances, embodying their shared motto: “Stronger together”

We warmly invite you to learn more about strategic priorities of the TU Austria Universities and to explore their experiences, challenges and successes within the alliances. Together with experts from the Euro- pean Commission the future needs of European University Alliances will be discussed with a focus on enhancing their impact and competitiveness.

Andrea Höglinger Vice Rector Research
of Graz University of Technology
Susanne Feiel Head of Department
International Relations and European
University, Montanuniversität Leoben




5 pm Welcome

Barbara Weitgruber Director General for Scientific Research and International Relations, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Peter Moser Rector of Montanuniversität Leoben and President of TU Austria

Meet TU Austria: Vision, Strategy and Key Insights at a Glance

Jens Schneider Rector of TU Wien

Austria‘s Universities of Technology in European Alliances: Insights and Experiences

Horst Bischof Rector of Graz University of Technology

A Look into the Future of European University Alliances

Susanne Conze Unit Higher Education, Directorate-General
for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), European
Jörg Niehoff Unit European Research Area, Spreading Excellence & Research Careers, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD), European Commission
Horst Bischof, Peter Moser, Jens Schneider
Susanne Conze, Jörg Niehoff


Horst Bischof, Peter Moser, Jens Schneider
Susanne Conze, Jörg Niehoff

from 7 pm Networking