Scientists at Vienna University of Technology have found a way to detect chemicals over long distances, even if they are enclosed in containers.
Fungi with additional foreign genes have been created at the Vienna University of Technology. They can now turn chitin into pharmaceuticals.
The planet Jupiter keeps asteroids on stable orbits – and in a similar way, electrons can be stabilized in their orbit around the atomic nucleus.…
Previous theories imposed a limit on how “liquid” fluids can be. Recent results at the Vienna University of Technology suggest that this limit can be…
Measurements at the Vienna University of Technology Deepen Our Understanding of Quantum Uncertainty.
A highly sensitive method to detect atoms was developed at the Vienna University of Technology.
Tiny crystals exhibit unexpected properties. Researchers from the Vienna University of Technology and the S.N. Bose National Centre Kolkata can now…
An Advanced Microscopy Method Used at the Vienna University of Technology allows Scientists to Study the Genetics of the Fruit Fly.
Genetic research at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) yields remarkable insights on mould fungi. This opens the door to the specialized…
Pacific Controls and the Vienna University of Technology are developing an “internet of things”. Automatic communication between electronic devices…
A new Christian-Doppler-Laboratory at the Universtiy of Leoben is concerned with the processing of heavy-metal-containing residues from industry. The…
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