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In 1980, this Conference has been started following a joint initiative of Aachen and Vienna,
to establish an informal group of representatives from leading engineering universities in Europe,

The basic objectives of The Conference are to offer an open forum for

  • discussing topics of major common concern, that are not discussed in other fora,
  • identifying differences and commonalities of existing solutions to problems of common interest,
  • developing new ideas and - if appropriate - preparing recommendations on specific topics, and, thus,
  • forming a "think tank" for the future development of the universities of technology in Europe.

As an informal group The Conference has no formal international or European organisational structure.



Prof. Harald Kainz

TU Austria - Universities of Technology Austria

Mob.:  +43 664 60873 8372
Tel.:    +43 316 873 8372

42nd Conference of Rectors and Presidents of
European Universities of Technology - crp2024


National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania, 20-21 September 2024

The university’s role in global health and well-being

The discussions at the 2024 Conference will address issues such as:

  • Universities’ research strategies for health improvement treatments and the enhancement of wellbeing of the society,
  • Universities’ innovation in healthcare covering microelectronics, sensors, system integration, biomechanics,
    ambient assisted living and healthcare technology assessment.
  • All forms of digital health, data and image analytics, optimizing algorithm, artificial intelligence.
  • New ways in development of active pharmaceutical ingredients and in production of drugs.
  • The new curriculum focused on multi-disciplinary courses related to health and general approaches
    for health innovation.
  • Institutional strategies to promote a culture of health and wellbeing among students and employees,
  • Advanced universities’ contributions across electrical, mechanical, computer and biomedical engineering
    as well as emerging technologies which are influencing healthcare today:
    communication systems, computer science, sensing technology, etc.
  • Contribution of universities to healthcare engineering education & training as well as for healthcare intervention:
    technologies for disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management, technologies for patient care,
    technologies for allied health specialties and engineering for dental and medical specialties, engineering for pharmacy.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Bucharest in September 2024!

More details will be made available in due time!

Rector Mihnea Costoiu
National University of Science and Technology
POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania


Prof. Harald Kainz
crp Coordinator
TU Austria