
In 2010 the three Austrian Universities of Technology, the Vienna University of Technology, the Graz University of Technology, and the Montanuniversitaet Leoben founded "TU Austria". Under its umbrella, TU Austria unites more than 45,600 students, 5,500 graduates annually and 11,000 employees.

The TU Austria-Universities join forces and use synergy effects in order to accomplish more in research, teaching and higher-education policy and to be convincing as a strong partner in the industrial and economic sectors with their cumulative expertise.

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Die Bremsscheibe eines Zuges ist in einem Prüfstand montiert. Links und rechts liegen Sensoren auf der Bremsscheibe.
Die Bremsscheibe eines Zuges ist in einem Prüfstand montiert. Links und rechts liegen Sensoren auf der Bremsscheibe.

One of the first major studies on abrasion emissions from rail vehicles shows that a lot of particulate matter contaminated with heavy metals is…

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Ein Kind rennt auf eine Straße, auf der ein Auto fährt.

Researchers from Graz University of Technology and "sicher unterwegs" are providing precise data on the movement patterns of children travelling on…

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Ein Kind rennt auf eine Straße, auf der ein Auto fährt.
Two men are sitting on the rails of a test bench and are looking into the camera.
Two men are sitting on the rails of a test bench and are looking into the camera.

Researchers at the Vehicle Safety Institute will team up with national and international partners to make batteries safer, extend their service life…

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Elf Personen stehen nebeneinander und halten ein längliches Transparent in den Händen.

As Professor for "High-performance Large Engine Systems", Nicole Wermuth is researching sustainable fuels, emission reduction and higher efficiencies…

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Elf Personen stehen nebeneinander und halten ein längliches Transparent in den Händen.
Eine stilisierte Schnecke mit Gehäuse
Eine stilisierte Schnecke mit Gehäuse

Online activities can be monitored in detail simply by analysing latency fluctuations in the internet connection, researchers at Graz University of…

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A chemical formula for the cyanide-free production of nitriles framed by pictures for the graphic representation of the components.

A research team from TU Graz and the Czech Academy of Sciences has used two enzymes to eliminate the need for highly toxic cyanide in the production…

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A chemical formula for the cyanide-free production of nitriles framed by pictures for the graphic representation of the components.
Schematische Darstellung eines Metall-Phthalocyanin-Moleküls
Schematische Darstellung eines Metall-Phthalocyanin-Moleküls

Physicists at TU Graz have calculated how suitable molecules can be stimulated by infrared light pulses to form tiny magnetic fields. If this is also…

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Vier Mencshen stehen hinter zwei Roboterhunden und schauen in die Kamera.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the new laboratory spaces offer the opportunity for interdisciplinary research at the interface of man and…

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Vier Mencshen stehen hinter zwei Roboterhunden und schauen in die Kamera.
Fünf Menschen in Kitteln stehen in einem Labor.
Fünf Menschen in Kitteln stehen in einem Labor.

In a multidisciplinary research project, researchers from the biosciences, process engineering and computer science want to massively increase…

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Zwei Männer sitzen auf den Schienen eines Prüfstandes und schauen in die Kamera.

Discarded lithium-ion cells from electric cars could be re-used as stationary power storage units. Researchers at TU Graz have established the first…

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Zwei Männer sitzen auf den Schienen eines Prüfstandes und schauen in die Kamera.

Study programmes


The Innovation-Marathon

Real tasks set by Austrian companies, multidisciplinary student teams and only 24 hours to develop innovative solution concepts. Students demonstrate their skills in terms of innovative strengths, expertise and creativity at the TU Austria’s Innovation Marathon.