Horst Bischof as President and Jens Schneider and Peter Moser as Vice-Presidents have been appointed to lead TU Austria.
On 1 July, TU Vienna Rector Sabine Seidler handed over the rotational presidency of TU Austria to TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz. In the autumn, a new…
Students from all over the world developed solutions for complex corporate problems in just one day.
This years’s break out session of TU Austria was organized under the patronage of Montanuniversität Leoben and was concerned with the question if…
Young, motivated students from all over the world impressively proved yesterday and today that they can solve complex problems together in just 24…
One billion euros by 2024 and another billion by 2030: These investments are needed to successfully implement the Austrian hydrogen strategy, to use…
At this year's Alpbach Technology Talks, students from all over the world will be networking virtually in order to develop new products, processes and…
The Rector of Graz University of Technology will take over the presidency of TU Austria, the association of Austrian universities of technology, thus…
Working 24 hours non-stop on real-life problems set by companies and proving the power of innovation at the Alpbach Technology Symposium. The 3rd TU…
08/25/2017 Susanne Eigner