For the first time ever, the intention of a continuous movement was able to be read out from non-invasive brain signals at TU Graz. This success…
A research team at TU Wien developed a new quantum transmission protocol that allows a higher data transmission rate and is much more robust against…
From semiconductors to moon rocks: Many materials are treated with ion beams. A research group at TU Wien has now been able to explain how this…
Tiny droplets loaded with viruses disappear more slowly after exhalation than previous models suggested. Experiments and simulations by TU Wien…
This years’s break out session of TU Austria was organized under the patronage of Montanuniversität Leoben and was concerned with the question if…
How can single atoms be used for catalysis? Researchers from Vienna develop a new method to anchor single atoms to supports.
Clean drinking water is essential. Scientists at TU Wien are investigating how water quality in riverine floodplains, often used as drinking water…
All you have to do is hold your breath for a moment and a new electromedical device provides important data that provides information about possible…
What happens when ions are passing through solid materials? It is nearly impossible to observe this directly, but scientists at TU Wien found a way to…
What are the factors leading to catastrophic floods? Günter Blöschl and his team present the latest findings in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.
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